Numerical Vibrations and their impact on our lives
"Everything in life is vibration, " said Einstein. Nicola Tesla claimed that absolutely everything has electric frequency and vibrating energy. Each atom and molecule oscillates, they have vibrations that are measured in frequencies. We are surrounded by the waves and frequencies emitted by the environment: people, objects, the environment, situations, food, the cosmos, stars, etc.
These vibrating frequencies that although we do not see, we do perceive and affect us constantly. All most things in the very least of its structure is not matter is energy. That energy vibrates and has a frequency, we are electrical beings made of rapidly vibrating cells, every atom in the universe oscillates at different speeds. Nothing is isolated from anything and nothing is motionless.
Gen 6:5 "God then saw that man's wickedness had multiplied on earth, and that every form of thought of his heart was only evil throughout the day."
We live situations that expose us to energetic frequencies: music, numbers, songs, the sound of words, prayers or mantras, thai chi, meditation help us enter a vibratory state that makes it easier for us to connect with the whole. The energy we emanate impacts and influences people and always returns to us. The universe, God at its core, does not give us what we want but what we are, what we vibrate. We emit vibrations whether of love, anger, acceptance, rejection, contribute to our energy level, just as mood is
Psalm 10:4 "The bad man, by the highness of his face, does not seek God; There is no God in any of his thoughts."
In addition, the health of each and every one of our organs also contributes to our energy level, which, by the way, is measurable. Every moment of the day, whether we are conscious or not, we emit vibrations whether of love, anger, acceptance, rejection, in short; these are variable, just as mood is. In addition, the energy we emanate impacts and influences people and always returns to us. That's why the universe doesn't give us what we want but what we are, what we vibrate.
The foods we eat or don't eat are energy, and some will give you a more positive energy and others a less positive energy. There are external energies that help you raise your own energy and external energies that diminish and steal it from you. Power each other, decrease the others. The study of Vibrations is applied to numbers and is called Cabalistic Numerology.
Ephesians 2:14 "For God is our peace, which of both made one, and brought down the middle wall of separation, that is, enmity"
Many things influence our personal vibrations, some in a more direct way than others. The Cabalistic Numerology shows how our thoughts of fear, sadness, hopelessness affect our forescoration in life and return to us creating loneliness, despair and chaos. Even the people around us can create adverse conditions, if they bring pessimism, rumors, constant complaints, that alters the frequency of our vibrations. And finally, even the things we accept from television, from film, from the world, as programs that show injustice, differences, hatred, we must control them so that their vibrations do not affect our world of love, responsibility and gratitude.
Knowing the talents and skills with which we came into this world makes it easier for us to change our thoughts and our vibrations and couple them with the unverse and his Creator so that a new horizon of peace, abundance, and fullness will open up in your life at all times.
Know one of your basic vibrator numbers
May love transform you!
Yosef Ben Marques
Kabbalah Numerologist
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